Tech bloggers, GearPatrol, have published 2 new lists on their website, one for "The Best Gifts for Music Lovers, Especially Desktop Audio Accessories" and one for "The 9 Best Earbuds Under $50" , and I am happy to say that we feature quite prominently in both these lists.

Our all-metal S0(zero) took home the top recommendation in the earbuds list, coming out on top among very stiff competition, they bestowed the S0 with Best Overall Earbuds and Best Overall Sound - not too shabby.

Over in the "music lovers best gift list" they featured our Truss dual headphone hanger, a self-adhesive hanger for use under desks and shelves with 2 hooks, ready to hold 2 sets of headphones, safe, secure and out of the way.
So, hit up the links below and have a look around Gear Patrols lists, they also have a little review of the S0 on the awards page.
Gear Patrol - Gifts for music lovers here
Gear Patrol - Best Earbuds here
For purchase options, see links below
S0 at Amazon COM here
S0 at Amazon UK here
S0 at Brainwavz Store here
Truss at Amazon COM here
Truss at Amazon UK here
Truss at Brainwavz Store here
Images used in this article are property of Gear Patrol