Brad Moon, contributing reviewer on, has once again laid down a solid review for us, this time they have been testing out our new HM100 wooden headphones.
Overall a pretty positive review, Brad does point out that these are not really suited to communing, which is a fair point, and that they are best suited to proper, full on listening sessions, again, fair point and pretty much spot on the money.
So, no, not for the every-day commuter or those that seem to feel wireless is the only way (hint .. it is not ! ), but for those that listen and work from home and want the best they can from their gear and their music collection.

... if you want a pair of over-ear cans that beg to be plugged into an amp or receiver for a good old-fashioned marathon music listening session, you might just want to check these out.
More info on the HM100 here
By from Amazon COM | Brainwavz | Amazon UK
Read the full review from Brad Moon, Contributor @ FORBES.COM here
More review and articles on the HM100 here.
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Image used in this article is property of Brad Moon and