Every month Brainwavz Audio are running a little photo competition, its quick, simple and could net you a whopping $100 store voucher!

June Winner
Congratulations to @capturedbyconstele, who wins last month's (June 2020) competition with their brazen puppy eyes photo., This photo was too much to resist for a company that loves dogs and has several wondering the office daily. Those eyes .. along with our oval velour pads, were just too cute to resist, so, we caved in, and it just had to be our winner for June!!
Congratulations @capturedbyconstele on your $100 worth of free stuff from our online shop!!

This could be you, no need to do a pro photoshoot, just snap a quick pic and post it on your social media - could not be simpler.
All the rules and info can be found on the official competition page here - but see below for the basics on how to enter:
- Take a photo of your Brainwavz product.
- Smartphone or big camera will do - we're not fussy
- Post it on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter
- Use hashtag #BrainwavzAudio to enter your photo
- Tag us in with @BrainwavzAudio to get our attention.
- The competition runs from 1st to the last day of each month.
That's all there is to it, just Snap-it, Tag-it and Post-it .. easy! ... good luck!
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Image used in this article is property of Brainwavz Audio - Winners images used with full permission
*$100 is store credit for use on Brainwavz Audio web store