Headphonesty Krudul Duo Review
Headphonesty have just released a their review of the Brainwavz Krudul Duo earphone management system, basically, a set of hangers for your earphones. The Krudul is a simple device that you don't realise you need it until you have it, and then you wonder why you did not do it a lot earlier.
Straight to the point and easy to use, the Krudul Duo is perfect for anyone looking to make their life as well managed and efficient as possible. The aluminum construction makes this unit look sleek and fits in naturally with your workspace, be it in the office or at home.

Image is property of headphonesty.com
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Krudul Duo Available from:
Brainwavz Direct | Amazon COM | Amazon UK | Amazon India | Brainwavz India

Krudul Duo Vertical - Perfect charging station for your Bluetooth Earphones.