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B200 - Wireless Dual Balanced Armature Earphones - Stay Frosty

Stay Frosty
    1. Bluetooth Neckband Cable
    2. 3D Printed ergonomic housing
    3. MMCX Cable Connectors
    4. Balanced audiophile grade sound
    5. Dual balanced armature, tweeter & woofer configuration
    6. Ergonomic over the ear design for comfortable fit.

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Great Value

I highly recommend these for intermediate musicians. I've used $300 in-ear monitors and these are not far off. I've used mine about 30 times now and have had no issues and love the quality, especially for the price. There is a difference in use between the two cords because of the in-put jacks...the one without the volume controls is better for in-ear monitors.

Great sound separation and cozy fit.

I haven't made it past the burn in phase, but so far the separation of sound is amazing for the price. There is a bit of an absence of the low end, so if you listen to bass heavy music this probably is the right IEM to be looking at. I will say, that kick drum hits and bass is still clear, it just doesnt carry out very far. The sound stage is unique, and the fit is probably the best un-molded fit for my ears ive ever had. Would definitely recommend for an on-stage or live sound set, but if you're looking for a pronounced low-end look elsewhere.

Great Deal for the Price

Got these while they were on sale for around $90 and decided to give them a try. I used to own a pair of Etymotic ER4S, which sounded amazing, but weren't very ergonomic. Comparing the B200 to the ER4S, the Etymotics have better highs and a better soundstage/presentation. The B200's highs sound a bit rolled off and the soundstage/presentation is a bit narrower, but still has good instrument separation. The B200's are much more comfortable, but feel a bit cheaper. They are a great low-cost alternative to higher-end IEMs. Their bass quantity is similar to the ER4S, so they may not be well-suited for rap or dance music.

Step up from the 1xx models

Smooth sound across the entire spectrum. Doesn't have the visceral impact on the bass and sub bass that a dynamic driver would produce but it is still an excellent sound. Tight and controlled without the bass bleeding into the rest of the spectrum. Full midrange with slightly recessed highs. Very good soundstage. Adding the 2nd BA helped extend and smooth out the response compared to the 1xx single BA models. I'm approaching 60 so my opinion of the highs or upper range may be limited but I find it clear with distinct separation between instruments without being so shrill or fatiguing.


These earphones took me by surprise. I got a good deal on them and thought, what the heck, why not try them. I barely can tell they are a dual balance armature design because the sound is so smooth and warm. Most b.a based earphones I've heard have a somewhat cold, and analytical sound, but not the b200's. They have good details all throughout the frequency ranges, but are extremely smooth and non fatiguing. Well done brainwavz. I also ordered their b400 quad driver earphones and am extremely excited to hear how the b200 could possibly be topped. Do your ears a favor and put some b200's in them.

the best bang-for-buck, in terms of sound quality

I've been collecting and using Brainwavz earbuds and IEMs for years now, and, in every category, the best bang-for-buck, in terms of sound quality, my enjoyment of what I listen to, ease-of-use and product durability - the Brainwavz product exceeds the performance of similar products from other companies costing up to three times the Brainwavz product. Recently, I purchased the B200 Dual Armature Driver IEM on Amazon, and this phone is no exception to my general assessment of the Brainwavz product line. Also, the product arrived quickly, in pristine physical condition and functionally "gorgeous" in the sounds I've been hearing through it. I can easily hear the difference between the B100 I've owned for a good while now and the B200. At some point, I'll very likely be adding the B400 to my toolbox of fine listening instruments.

Fantastic in ear monitors at a modest price.

To begin with, I will state these were pre production units given to me for my opinion on how they sound, but the final production versions don't differ in any noticeable way. I've tested these using my combination of FiiO portable players and my Rockboxed Sansa Clip, as well as my Samsung S7 Edge phone using Poweramp. I've also given these a go in my home music studio for recording. Over 200 hours of burn in preceded this review as I've had these for a few months now. Here are the specs for those interested:Drivers: Dual balanced armatureRated Impedance: 30 ΩFrequency Range: 12 Hz ~ 26 kHzSensitivity: 110dB at 1 mWCable: 1.3 m Y-Cord, Over the ear, OFC CopperPlug: 3.5 mm, Gold plateI've been a Brainwavz fan since the very beginning as I've always liked their great value for the money spent proposition. Their B series continues this, but the top of the line B200's take the line in a bold direction, with dual armatures (that means dual speakers per bud, both tuned to work well together) plus very high quality with no compromises at all--all at a much lower than expected price point as IEM's that can do what these do often cost twice as much or more. The build quality, even on my pre-production units, are top notch. The OFCopper cables are thick enough with a casing that all but stops dreaded tangling in it's tracks. This is great if you regularly do a quick bunch up and stick them in your pocket as they easily spring back to shape in seconds. They have a built in pre-formed ear hook on each bud to also help facilitate a quick over ear hang that is very comfortable and convenient while helping to eliminate cord based micro-phonics. The built in slider also helps with the fit as well. I've used these for up to 8 hours straight with zero fatigue, both in fit and sound. They come packaged with three sets of hybrid silicone ear buds (S-M-L) and a single set of high end Comply T-100 memory foam buds, my personal favorite for comfort and noise isolation. It all comes neatly packed along with a cable wrap and shirt clip in Brainwavz excellent oblong carry case for easy portability and storage.The sound signature is one that will have it making many friends, as it's not tuned to blow your head up with powerful bass, or cause pain with harsh treble, or wash out vocals and instruments with distant mids....in fact these are the first in ears I've used that really make a case for being near professional level monitors. The signature is dead neutral to my ears, with no coloring of the source material that I could detect making these a great asset to me while recording and mixing my guitar on my computer. The sound stage is plenty wide enough to allow for hearing great detail and position in even the most demanding music. Operas soared to my ears, truly sounding as though I were there in person hearing every single sound from orchestra to vocals with no wash out or loss, a really fantastic experience not usually found at anywhere near this price point. I found myself playing back songs I've heard a thousand times again and again simply because the B200's were allowing me to hear details I've missed in the past...again, a very rare thing at this price point. To sum up, if hearing your source material the way it was meant to be heard from the creators of said material, with no coloring or change at all and with amazing detail, the B200's are your IEM's.I must say that the B200's caught me a bit by surprise. I honestly didn't know what to expect when these arrived and I was thoroughly blown away by it's build quality, and more so by it's sound signature. It is really hard to find good in ear monitors at any price much less what these cost. Being a musician I'm always on the lookout for in ears or over ears that allow me to record with no coloration at all, with great unhindered detail, something that's a hard find for under $500.00 much less what you get here for under $200.00. My thanks to Brainwavz for accomplishing this for us not so rich folks, it's really appreciated. Very highly recommended!