Upon inspection of these brackets, I immediately deduced they've been 3D Printed. Don't get me wrong, I 3D print things all the time and they can be very sturdy. These brackets look to be that quality. Getting into the details, it looks like 4 walls and probably greater than 60% infill. The more walls the better and the higher the infill, the greater the stability...to a point. I print with a minimum of 3 walls, 5 if I want added stability. I've tried to bend it and it's pretty sturdy. I can't tell if it's PLA or PETG plastic. PLA is fine but has less heat resistance. If your modem or router gets hot, the brackets may warp slightly over time. I can tell one corner of the bracket lifted slightly on printing. This is common among 3D printing and other than aesthetics, doesn't affect the overall function or durability. It comes with the needed screws to attach to the wall and comes with attached adhesive pads to peel and stick. There are also little grommets to put between the screw and the bracket, probably 3D printed as well, to keep the screw heads from going through the bracket. The screw holes in the bracket are diamond shaped, which is a little odd, but may have decreased the printing time slightly. I could have designed this on a free online site and printed it for about $1 in materials. $16 for having it done for you is not outrageous. I'm going to keep it and use it. I'll use the example for other brackets I can design and print.